why is it so hard to choose whats best for ourselves
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Why Is It So Hard to Choose the Best for Ourselves?

Have you ever found yourself standing in the kitchen, debating between a healthy salad and a comforting toasted sandwich? Or sitting in your car, deciding whether to go to the gym or skip it? We all know what the better choice is in the long run, but that doesn’t make the decision any easier, does…

Jacqui Meyer - Burnout coach for women

Consciously putting some of the juggling balls down

I want to share something with you, and I hope it will make you think and possibly implement in your life. I know that you know the feeling that you are constantly juggling. Juggling the balls that represent your health, your family, your children, their school and activities, dinner, making lunchboxes, friends, work….. the list…

Jacqui Meyer - Burnout coach for women

How to Incorporate the Aquarian Sutra’s in Everyday Life

The first sutra “Recognize that the other person is you.” If you take time to recognize that the other person, your partner, parents, children, friends, colleague, boss, stranger, is you…. You will find yourself acting very differently towards them. Remember, everyone is someone, someone with thoughts, feelings and emotions. I challenge you to be mindful…