why is it so hard to choose whats best for ourselves
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Why Is It So Hard to Choose the Best for Ourselves?

Have you ever found yourself standing in the kitchen, debating between a healthy salad and a comforting toasted sandwich? Or sitting in your car, deciding whether to go to the gym or skip it? We all know what the better choice is in the long run, but that doesn’t make the decision any easier, does…

The Journey Retreat
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5 reasons why you should go on a retreat

Ever wondered what all the hype is about with regard to retreats? Well here are 5 reasons why you should go on a retreat: Does this sound like it might be something you are interested in? If so, then I have a special invitation for you. I am facilitating a retreat on the 19-21 May…

Eat Breathe Love Retreat
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Eat. Breathe. Love Retreat

Next retreat: 5 – 7 August 2022 The Eat. Breathe. Love Retreat came about as a beautiful collaboration of four like-minded women who are all passionate about their vocations. Four women who weave a mandala of experiences that make you ask questions about the way you Eat, Breathe and Love. “My home, Zingela, is a…